Circle of Song Celebrates 24 Years Together – Starting up again January 16
It is amazing how fast time flies when you are having fun singing together. But the spring session of Circle of Song will close out the 24th year with the beginning of the season on January 16, culminating with a concert on Saturday, May 17.
Rehearsals take place each Thursday night, from 7 – 8:30 pm at the Barre Town Hall, 2 Exchange Street, Barre, MA. Annual dues range from $25/year for students and includes a sliding scale of $40-$70 for adults. Circle of Song sings in 4-part harmony. Many members, recently interviewed usually said one of two things about why they keep coming back. “I like the way you challenge us musically,” and, “I enjoy the community of fun people.”
The spring session with a program that is not totally firmed up, will include spirituals, madrigals, show tunes, and some newer music, with not only Julie Rawson directing, but also featuring Cailan McClure, Nancy Afonso, and perhaps others.
Circle of Song is particularly looking for baritones and sopranos at the moment, but always is happy to welcome new tenors and altos too. The chorus, generally numbering in the teens, has swelled to numbers in the 20’s of late. Plans to build a few risers to accommodate the members are in the offing.
Come to the first rehearsal on the 16th, or be in touch with Julie in advance as desired. All singers of all ages are welcome.; 978-257-1192.